How to keep your PC clean and dust-free? - PRR Computers, LLC

by Gina Owens
3 years ago

Did you know that dust is a villain that gradually builds up in your computer before it strikes your PC?

When it enters your computer, dust and debris accumulate large big clumps that block cool air from entering your computer and cooling components like the CPU.

This results in overheating that ultimately threatens your PC hardware and its overall performance.

With this in mind, you need to take care of your computer and regularly maintain it to ensure it stays dust-free and serves you for long without any signs of failing.

The guide below will show you how you can keep your PC completely clean and dust-free

5 Ways to keep your PC dust-free

Keeping PC dust-free is as easy as preventing the dust from entering your PC and slowly building up.

Here are the 5 top ways to keep dust off your PC:

#1. Install dust filters

These accessories are inexpensive and feature mesh for catching dust particles trying to pass through your computer open vents.

The filters are pretty helpful for your computer fan intakes and help protect the powered blades and other components within the case.

Where possible, we encourage you to get magnetic filters since they’re much easier to fit or detach from your PC for hassle-free cleanup.

#2. Keep your PC off the floor

Dust is to dirt, and dirt is to the ground. Do you keep your PC close to the floor? If yes, you are unknowingly giving dust and other airborne particles free pass into your computer.

Make sure you elevate your PC to a height of up to 6 inches above the floor to decrease the possibility of dust getting in. Get a computer desk with a tower shelf that’s raised up off the ground to facilitate smooth airflow.

#3. Maintain a clean workspace

Another way you can keep dust off your PC is by keeping your home office or workspace completely clean at all times.

Start by cleaning all the surrounding cabinets and shelves as well as other nooks and crannies in your workroom.

You’ll also need to keep your floor clean and dust-free. Dust can fly, so just keeping your PC at a good distance off the ground doesn’t make it safe enough.

Clean up that floor to eliminate any dust and debris that might otherwise find their way into your PC and do harm.

#4. Get away from the windows and doors

If dust particles can get through the open slots on your PC casing, then it is easy for them to pass through large openings like windows and doors and into your computer.

Closing your windows and doors doesn’t guarantee that they’ll stop dust in its tracks, especially if they have a poor insulation job on them.

Moving your workstation away from the windows or doors is the surest way to keep dust from entering your PC.

#5. Keep your workspace “holy.”

By “holy,” we mean using your workspace purposely for work and avoiding other activities that are likely to birth dust particles.

For instance, you should avoid smoking inside your workroom as the ash will translate to dust while the smoke produced can damage your computer components.

You also don’t want to do food in your home office. The small food bits can quickly get everywhere, say under the keyboard keys, chair. And they become the very thing you’re running away from—the dust!

And as much as you love your pets, you also want to keep them out of your work area. This is due to the pet dander, which is a significant contributor to dust entering your PC at home.

How to keep your PC clean

What if your computer has already by dust-infested? In this case, you must take quick action to get rid of this dust before harming your PC.

Below is the complete guide on how to get rid of the dust:

  • Step 1. Shut down your PC and unplug its cables from all the ports
  • Step 2. Move the PC tower to a cleared, well-ventilated workspace. If possible, place it outside on a sturdy table in the garage or backyard. This is a nice measure since the main business here will be blowing dust around
  • Step 3. Unscrew the screw on the rear side of your panel to remove the side panel and expose the dust hidden inside.
  • Step 4. Grab a compressed air canister and blow the dust off the case, staring with the large clumps.
  • When spraying, we advise you to hold the canister upright and conduct the spraying in short bursts to keep it from getting cold. You also want to avoid directly spraying your PC components inside the case.
  • Step 5. If you find that some dust is caked and on and won’t come out with simple compressed air spraying, use brand new toothbrush and alcohol to scrub it off.
  • Dip your brush in the alcohol and use it gently on the fan blades and other infested components. Be sure to clean your brush in between so you don’t spread the dust around.
  • Step 6. When cleaning is complete, sit back and allow the alcohol to completely dry (evaporate). Put the side panel back on and return your PC to your desk.

BONUS TIP: Clean your PC regularly!

Even if you religiously follow our tips above on keeping away dust from your computer, some particles and debris will still find their way through.

For this reason, it is recommended that you keep checking your computer regularly and clean any dust particles present before they accumulate into something bigger.

The maintenance frequency will depend heavily on your environment.

Typically, you should clean it once or twice a year if you’re in a low-dust environment.

But if your PC sees more dust every day, e.g., due to the heavy presence of dirt, dust, pets, etc., you should increase the maintenance frequency to weekly, biweekly, or monthly.


Dust is a top enemy to your PC, especially when it builds up to significant amounts. It can easily block cool airflow, which affects how your computer performs.

We hope that you’ll implement our top tips above on preventing dust particles and debris from entering your computer and keeping its performance optimum.

Our additional PC cleaning tips will help you eliminate any dust already inside your PC.

Above all, make a habit of regularly inspecting your computer for any stray dust particles and clean them ASAP before they can turn into something worse.


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