These Tips Will Help You When Doing Your Own Accounting - PRR Computers, LLC

by Gina Owens
2 years ago

Accounting may not be the most exciting part of owning and managing a small business, but it is something you will have to stay on top of if you want to start off on the right foot when launching your new business. So in this guide, we will go over some of the things you should know about accounting by yourself and things you should remember so that you can move on to the next item on your small business to-do list and gradually build yourself up to a successful venture.

Business Bank Account

You are going to want to keep your business and personal banking separate, and although this may not seem critical in the beginning, it will save you a lot of time and effort down the road when you have a lot more business transactions to manage. Banks offer a range of accounts specifically for businesses, and some are designed for very small companies that have few or even no employees. But before you start doing multiplication in Google Sheets using this very nifty guide that basically tells you what to do and how to do it, there are a few more things you should consider. Before you visit the bank, you should think about your financial needs. Take a look at approximately how many transactions you are going to do in a month, and then compare that with how much the bank will charge you. If you are still a fledgling in the business world, with few deposits or expenses, you might prefer an account that charges you per transaction. When you do meet with a bank representative, don’t let yourself get distracted by special offers, business credit cards with rewards, or any other incentives that are designed to get you to hastily sign up. What you should be looking for is whether this bank offers a convenient service with easy online tools at a reasonable price. Everything else can be considered later.

Bookkeeping System

Will you opt for a single-entry or a double-entry system of accounting? This sounds very confusing but isn’t all that complex once you understand. Basically, a single-entry system of accounting is when every financial transaction of a company is recorded as a single entry in a log. Because of its low cost, simplicity, and lack of formal training, this type of bookkeeping is commonly used by small new businesses. A double-entry system now necessitates a much more detailed process in which each entry has a corresponding entry in a different account. You can see the word “double” in “double entry,” which basically stands for credit or debit. The two totals for each must always balance, or there is an error in the recording. The advantage of this system is that it will provide complete records and allow for the creation of proper financial statements, and luckily, there are many software options available nowadays that make the double entry system easier to manage. 

Categorization Of Expenses

Categorizing all your expenses will be very helpful in keeping your company well organized, not only for budgeting purposes but also to total the expenses that can be written off when tax time comes around. Some category headings you could use include advertising expenses, payroll, office expenses, office supplies, rent, utilities, phone, and travel expenses. It is always important to compare all your business costs and not get caught by surprise at the end of the month when the bills start pouring in. This is especially crucial once your business is properly up and running, and you do not want huge expenses slipping through the cracks and ambushing you weeks later. Always keep the receipts and create a budget for your company. In the beginning, this will keep varying and fluctuating; this is entirely normal as you are still new to the business world, but try to stick to your budget as much as possible. You will notice the benefits of the discipline later, as with the categorization. 

Running a business is a difficult job that occasionally demands an incredible amount of effort and focus, not least because of accounting and bookkeeping, but if you are prepared to put in the time and effort, you can do it yourself, and with any luck, your efforts will start to bear fruit soon. Use the advice and strategies provided here to your advantage, and you’ll succeed, swimming effectively with other small business success stories while knowing that you have only yourself to answer to. We hope this guide will be of huge help to you!



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